Morning Star Christian Church of Austin
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Greg and Tara Huntington

Missions Ministry

Missions Ministry
Since the inception of the Morning Star family of churches in 1996, our leaders have had the vision to establish a Morning Star church in every nation around the world in this generation. Our motto "Every Nation In Our Generation" correctly states our mission. In 1999, the apostolic leaders of Morning Star established a directive known as the "2010 Initiative" that calls every Morning Star church to plant a new church every three years to the year 2010.

The focus on missions includes church planting as well as sending out teams to serve the people and churches of other nations through evangelistic outreach, leadership training, medical missions, educational services, and/or financial support. Individuals coming with a heart to serve bring refreshing to overseas pastors and believers, provides an open door to share the Gospel, and prepares the way for reformation in the spiritual and social climate of that country.
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